Last month EngineeringUK hosted the first ever Tomorrow’s Engineers Live conference (hopefully the first of many!).
We were delighted that so many of you were able to join. Events like this are crucial for collaboration and the day provided a much-missed opportunity to meet face to face, discuss challenges and share insights.
Even better after the event it was great to receive such positive feedback.
97% rated the event has good or excellent and the same number also said there were either likely or very likely to recommend to a friend.
Also, 19% said they would ‘definitely’ and 47% said they would ‘probably’ change aspects of their outreach activities as a result of attending TE Live.
To find out what happened on the day a short video is available to watch here.
Dr Hilary Leevers, Chief Executive of EngineeringUK, said:
"I am very happy to be here in person and continue to build strong relationships and connections. It is also very satisfying to see the appetite to learn, share and for people to say what they are finding hard, what they need to do better, as well as sharing top tips that are working"
Highlights from the day included:
- The theme of being consistent in the core messageswe use when we approach young people
- The thread of inclusion throughout the day. The need to think about the different groups of young people we work with and how we relate and learn from each other
- The huge appetite from primary and special educational needs schools for engineering outreach activities (particularly from specialist schools for children on the autistic spectrum) and how we need to adapt and work more effectively with them.
- Thinking beyond outreach activities and providing support around interview readiness and assessment guidance
- Early data to suggest face to face activities are better, but digital delivery works tooMore work needs to be done around which is best and in which situation
- How to help SMEs to participate more easily. Ideas like buddying and developing smaller, more manageable scale (yet effective) outreach activities
- Finally, understanding the scale of needand how we need to value each other and work together as effectively as we possibly can
A big thank you to everyone who attended the first Tomorrow’s Engineering Live conference (hopefully the first of many!).
We are looking forward to working together and using our collective impact to increase the number and diversity of young people entering engineering careers.