We need to work harder than ever to ensure that engineering careers are accessible for this generation of young people – for their own life chances and so that we have a diverse and insightful workforce that enables the UK to thrive. Join over 250 organisations who have pledged to work together through the Tomorrow’s Engineers Code and find more joined-up ways to help all young people understand and be inspired towards engineering careers.
Signatories of The Code make four pledges about their approach to funding, designing, delivering and learning from engineering inspiration activities. If you are an organisation that funds or delivers engineering inspiration activities, join the Tomorrow’s Engineers Code.

Improving Practice
The tools and resources in Tomorrow’s Engineers could help members of the Code Community adapt their behaviours and demonstrate their commitment to the four pledges to enact real change.
How Tomorrow's Engineers Can Help Code Signatories
Here’s how content on Tomorrow’s Engineers aligns with the four pledges of The Code:
For pledge 1 - 'Ensure programmes contribute to a sustained and rich STEM journey for all young people' head to the delivering inspiration activities category.
For Pledge 2 – 'Ensure all young people have opportunities to engage in engineering-inspiration activities, so that nobody is left behind' head to delivering inspiration activities and equality, diversity and inclusion categories.
For Pledge 3 – 'Promote a positive, compelling, and authentic view of engineering and showcase the breadth of opportunities' head to the equality, diversity and inclusion; careers inspiration and delivering inspiration activities categories
For Pledge 4 – 'Improve monitoring and evaluation of programmes and activities to develop a shared understanding of what works' head to the research and evaluation category.