Here's how the day shaped up

09:30 to 10:00 Event opens and registration

Welcome tea and coffee

10:00 to 10:15 Welcome

Welcome introduction from Dr Janet Young CBE, Director General and Secretary, Institution of Civil Engineers and Dr Hilary Leevers, Chief Executive, EngineeringUK

10:15 to 10:30 Keynote, Rebecca Shipley: Inspiring young people through healthcare engineering

Rebecca talked about innovation in healthcare engineering, and the opportunity for young people to shape the future. Rebecca is Professor of Healthcare Engineering/Chief Research Officer at UCL/UCL Partners. 

10:35 to 11:15 A selection of lightning talks focused on research


  • The future workforce and AI with Dan Scott, Chief Data Scientist, WSP
  • The Science Education Tracker from Becca Gooch, Head of Research, EngineeringUK
  • Career readiness and the impact of careers outreach by Laura Hawksworth, Head of Policy and Impact, Careers and Enterprise Company
  • Young people's perspectives on STEM from Professor Becky Parker MBE, Director, Project Earth; physics teacher and Visiting Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary, University of London
  • Teacher perspectives with Professor Lynne Bianchi, Vice Dean for Social Responsibility, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility; Founder and Director of the Science & Engineering Education Research and Innovation, University of Manchester and Kate Dodgson, Specialist Secondary School Teacher and the secondary lead for The University of Manchester's Engineering Educates Robotics Challenge
11:15 to 11:35 Break

Networking and refreshments

11:35 to 12:30 Interactive workshops – choose one session

Youth proof to future-proof STEM outreach: why co-design is our missing link
Antonia Dixey, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Participation People
with Azisa and Chloe, Young Consultants, Participation People

Engaging underrepresented voices: ethical debates and gamification  
Miguel Trenkel-Lopez Founder and Creative Director, Megawatt
Rebecca Hale, Programme Content Manager, EngineeringUK

Stronger together: unlock collaborative success
Maddie Dinwoodie, Director of Engagement Programmes, EngineeringUK and Phil Ramsden, Academic Lead, mA*ths and further mA*ths, Imperial

12:30 to 13:20 Networking lunch

Network over lunch

13:20 to 14:15 Interactive workshops – choose one session

Youth proof to future-proof STEM outreach: why co-design is our missing link
Antonia Dixey, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Participation People
with Azisa and Chloe, Young Consultants, Participation People

Engaging underrepresented voices: ethical debates and gamification  
Miguel Trenkel-Lopez Founder and Creative Director, Megawatt
Rebecca Hale, Programme Content Manager, EngineeringUK

Stronger together: unlock collaborative success
Maddie Dinwoodie, Director of Engagement Programmes, EngineeringUK and Phil Ramsden, Academic Lead, mA*ths and further mA*ths, Imperial

14:20 to 14:45 An introduction to Skills England from Sarah Maclean with Q&A

Sarah Maclean, joint CEO of the newly formed Skills England, gave an introduction to the organisation and the audience asked questions

14:45 to 15:00 Break

Networking and refreshments

15:00 to 16:00 Unconference session

The audience got energised and inspired by sessions from speakers across the engineering and technology sector. Topics: 

How can employers collaborate to attract more young people into STEM? Aimee Smith, Social Impact Manager, and James Mackay, Social Outreach Impact Manager, Thales

How can we make sure workplace encounters are part of a young person's school experience? Dan Hefferman, AtkinsRéalis 

How can colleges support industry with school outreach? Ian Evans, Assistant Principal – Engineering, Construction and the Built Environment, United Colleges Group and Fay Block, Curriculum Manager for Engineering, Construction and the Built Environment at City of Westminster College, United Colleges Group

Apprenticeships for all: how can we guide underrepresented groups to success? Clare Collins-Addy, Director of Partnerships, Causeway Education

– What opportunities exist for cross-sector collaboration (eg, between schools, government, charities, and employers) to create sustained interest in STEM in underrepresented groups? Francisca Chiedu Otu, Engineering Initiative Lead, National Grid

– How can we help young people get the workplace skills that matter? Mick Westman, Founder and CEO, Digital Innov8ors

How can we come together as the Code community to tackle areas of need and make sure we move from good intentions to proper collaboration, driving systemic change? For example, improving representation of girls, investing more in evaluation, increasing practical work. Led by Maddie Dinwoodie, Director of Engagement Projects, EngineeringUK

16:00 to 16:30 Unconference session feedback and closing remarks

Unconference feedback from all groups, and reflection. Led by Dr Hilary Leevers, who also wrapped up the day.

16:30 to 17:30 Drinks reception

Networking drinks